“I know you can’t read this but…


…but, I’m going to put it up anyway.

And turn my back on you so I can read it to you!”

LEGIBILITY – a battle of the ages, well, at least the ages since we had slide projectors.

Eastman Kodak developed a “Legitability Standard” that principally targeted screen size vs. audience seating.

The standard was eight times (8x) the height of the projection screen (h) was the furthest viewer (FV).

Formula: 8xh=FV

Example: 4-foot high screen dictated the furthest viewer to be 32 feet from the screen.

What this never dealt with was text size.

Printing your slide/graphic on letter-size paper, and placing it at your feet as you stand up, represented the proper font size.

Message: Don’t just grab any text, booklet, spreadsheet, etc., and expect your audience to be able to read it.

In the virtual world, the issue is more acute.

Presenters have NO CONTROL over the size of the viewing surface the virtual audience is using.

Desktop computer screens all the way to cell phones are the consumption screen today.

If you like the type font on YOUR screen, print out the example above, to see if all viewers will be able to read your content.

Go ahead, try it. I dare you.

Presentation coach Ray Franklin has 30-minute appointments available to improve your presentations from graphics to eye contact. Share this with a colleague.
